Upper Grades (5th-8th)

Upper Grades Program Overview
The energy of learning is apparent in St. Paul’s Upper Grade classes. It takes a challenging curriculum, the strong moral values of a Christian-based education and the guidance of passionate and experienced Christian teachers to show our students how to become responsible and independent learners. Our upper grade program is a four-year departmentalized sequence for grades fifth through eight.

Our curriculum starts with the study in core academic subjects: English/writing, math, science, history, and religion. This core education is then enhanced through classes in visual art, music, technology, and physical education.

Students in 6th-8th grade enjoy an alternating block schedule which allows for depth of learning and management of daily homework. This schedule also allows for elective classes in technology, music, art, and creative writing. Enrichment opportunities are provided through the brand new STEAM Lab. The use of technology is woven throughout the classroom curriculum and instruction while students are encouraged to grow in 21st century skills such as Collaboration, Teamwork, Problem Solving, and Critical Thinking. All 6th-8th graders have an essential technology skills required class in additions to classroom technology use.

Upper grade students also have the opportunity to participate in the various life-enriching activities offered at St. Paul, including competitive sports, community service programs and more.

St. Paul Westlake’s Upper Grade academic program emphasizes a respect for diverse learning styles, team and interdisciplinary teaching, and varied experiences with cooperative learning, research, and group presentations. Our teachers create opportunities for cognitive growth while incorporating exploratory experiences for enrichment, as they prepare students for a smooth transition to high school and beyond.